Thanks for stopping by!

Hey its me, Miles Carey...I just want to say thanks for checking out the blog. My mom and dad do all the writing, but I do the hard work, I pose for the pictures. Anyways, have fun and come back soon!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kobe is Crazy

So my big brother Kobe decided that he was going to eat underwear and let them get stuck.  He had to have surgery, but he is home now and I'm so happy!  Not too much going on today, just a lot of sleeping.  I love to Sleep!  One more thing...we went to Babies R Us today and I was so mad that I couldn't go in that I cried in my car seat.  Daddy had to drive around the parking lot for twenty minutes so I would go back to sleep. It was so funny!

I fall asleep anywhere, even on the Boppy Pillow!

 Kobe is so happy to be home and see Brooklyn and me, but he needs to be in his crate all day!
I am so tired after playing with Kobe!

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